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PALE DE CZ Condominium

팔레드시즈 콘도미니엄

 3/2 Reviews  |  Popular 5503

http://img.ntcdn.net/data/2009/02/23/10/123535401949a201a3bb817.jpg Luxury condominium at Haeundae in Busan! http://www.travelnote.net/busan/hotel/paledecz Business & Industrial > Hotel & Hospitality

Total Hotel Score:
3/2 Reviews
  • 3
  • 3
  • 3.5
  • 2.5
  • 3
 Transportation       Service          Cleanliness         Facilities           Location
  • It is recommended when you go in crowds.
     20 Sep2013

     Transportation 3 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 2 | Location 3

    I have two nights in six.
    Kitchen and living so I relax, it was comfortable.
    You can eat and drink fruit that has been chilled in the refrigerator.
    One two was the only shower in the bathroom, but it was that there is only one number of people towels, now, of that there is no bath towels to ask at the front desk.
    It was two nights, so went out over the washing machine, the dryer, it was not troubled.
    It was comfortable except for the towel.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • パレドシズ目の前が海、サイコー
     23 Feb2017

     Transportation 3 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 3 | Location 3


1-2 of 2 reviews

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