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Chuncheon Bears Tourist Hotel


 3.6/1 Reviews  |  Popular 4749

http://img.ntcdn.net/data/2007/12/20/15/1198133473476a10e1334ee_bears.jpg three star hotel with view of Euiam lake! http://www.travelnote.net/korea/hotel/bears Business & Industrial > Hotel & Hospitality

Total Hotel Score:
3.6/1 Reviews
  • 2
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  • 4
  • 3
  • 4
 Transportation       Service          Cleanliness         Facilities           Location
  • I stayed at the Tourist Hotel Chuncheon Bears. .
     21 May2009

     Transportation 2 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 3 | Location 4

    Once a month I go to Korea I went with two people (Japanese) I (Korean) wife, I'm now in Japan alone in the school of the child.
    Had a little apart from the Namisomu, where to eat on the first floor in the Saturday or a Viking, someday Chuncheon saw Winter Sonata hastily where you'd like to do, the hotel patrons quite was there.
    Bright child with a good feeling of the front, was bright and staff may treat me, I was good because it was also a toilet with two for the price of a hotel room I stayed in the suite, but Western-style It was spacious and clean.
    I felt Sekoku face wash since I was a little set fee,
    There was a price I was stuck with? "Or welcome drink" because there was wine on the table in the room,
    Japan's suites and I went there to drink (laughs) stalls at night because we were out in the parking lot or such different senses,
    Mon would taste like this,
    I was staying Saturday vacant boom did too,
    I'm glad the staff was amiable is good to eat in the morning wake-up,
    There is no place to go to play close to the night Did you feel lonely.

1-1 of 1 reviews

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