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Chunchon Sejong Hotel


 4.5/2 Reviews  |  Popular 4927

http://img.ntcdn.net/data/2007/12/20/15/1198132272476a0c3034cf6_chunchonsejong.jpg Attractive three-star hotel big garden! http://www.travelnote.net/korea/hotel/chunchonsejong Business & Industrial > Hotel & Hospitality

Total Hotel Score:
4.5/2 Reviews
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  • 4.5
 Transportation       Service          Cleanliness         Facilities           Location
  • Chuncheon Sejong Hotel.
     04 Jun2011

     Transportation 5 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 2 | Location 4

    I took advantage of a twin.
    It is cheaper per person.
    It was about 20 minutes by taxi from Chuncheon Intercity Bus Terminal.
    It is a hotel that was built on the site of the shrine was built in the Japanese colonial era.
    Because that is just left of the shrine stairs and get out of the taxi, and heavy suitcase, I rise with may be very little.
    Was 3 nights, the room I was good.
    There was no pajamas, and bath mats.
    There are towels and bath towels.
    Toothbrush toothpaste and shaving was a fee.
    It contains the juices in the refrigerator, the price is a little higher.
    Japanese people were good at the front.
    I was taught and shops Makkukusu professional.
    On the decline, such as streets and street Takkarubi Chuncheon Myeongdong is a convenient walking distance.
    The return was a taxi.
    Feel free to use it two taxi is a 2200 base price of won.
    When we stayed, the South American group had been staying.
    There is a computer in the lobby, you can use at any time.
    Classical music is flowing, I am also good atmosphere.
    I want to go again.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • Elegant hotel located in the uphill.
     30 Dec2009

     Transportation 5 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 5 | Facilities 5 | Location 5

    Users of this hotel, the Japanese are not a common sight.
    In most tourists who come in to use the car, it seems that many non-Japanese Koreans and foreigners.
    I continued to the entrance of a 3-storey hotel is spread wide and beautiful lawn go through the gate of the temple, such as South Korea, small and.
    Good hotel in a calm corner from the rabbit, perhaps the perfect hotel to accommodate school moist.
    Well settled in a room from the room as well, of course you should always liked me.
    However, the front, Japanese is probably because fewer Japanese Imaichi.
    Then, it is location, walk if assigned walked the hill, to the vicinity are arrived within 10 minutes of the center of the street Takkarubi Chuncheon.
    However, I suspect that the way back to drink, the hotel walk uphill towards this feeling because it is a little tight, better to use a taxi, the heart is good.
    Finally, Chuncheon (Chuncheon) is, because it is also a city of young people such as the elderly can coexist, After a visit to Nami Island, Chuncheon Takkarubi Please enjoy.
    It is really cheap and delicious.

1-2 of 2 reviews

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