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Union Tourist Hotel


 3.7/5 Reviews  |  Popular 4838

http://img.ntcdn.net/data/2007/10/05/16/11915710674705ee7bc6503_union.jpg 2 star hotel, 5 mins away from Daegu station! http://www.travelnote.net/korea/hotel/union Business & Industrial > Hotel & Hospitality

Total Hotel Score:
3.7/5 Reviews
  • 4.4
  • 3.6
  • 3.6
  • 3
  • 3.8
 Transportation       Service          Cleanliness         Facilities           Location
  • Do not do this mon ~ ん.
     30 Oct2011

     Transportation 3 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 2 | Location 3

    Was × Japanese reception.
    But 20-29? Girl has guided me carefully.
    The rooms are clean enough? Kana.
    Fairly well around the water (laughs) ... something like the stomach bug.
    In the shower, I was conscious around without a shower curtain.
    Bed sheets are not being replaced.
    It was the same for both sheets 3 nights but making it beautiful.
    I noticed in some spots (laughs).

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • The room is beautiful ... I.
     27 Nov2009

     Transportation 4 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 2 | Location 3

    I stayed alone in a double woman.
    I was useless at full occupancy was asked to change New double hotel was reading the reviews of Mr. rick.
    It is also useful for geographically It's beautiful room was the price.
    However, even if the bath water is not good ... ...! On the other hand, the amount of water basin is full! Like English is OK at Pepper gesture gestures at the front desk who do not speak Japanese, but is almost.
    I think next time ... (laughs), and you want to stay in New double if you have to stay in it except for the double bath! .

  • NEW Recommended double.
     03 Nov2009

     Transportation 5 | Service 4 | Cleanliness 5 | Facilities 4 | Location 5

    The change in the room with you if you add 12000W renewal at check-in I had to reserve a double room with Mr. Yu travel, give us a look at both double and NEW double once.
    The standard double room was of an old cheap hotel well in Korea.
    Necessary な も の は CIRCUIT DIAGRAM っ て い そ う で parked ma る に は very だ っ た の で desu ga see さ se て い た だ い た フ ro ア に places moored off が い な か っ た こ と も あ ri NEW ダ ブ Hikaru に 変 more shi ma し た.
    Was also good taste is simple and very clean interior or a renewal after NEW double.
    Bedroom the moo bathroom も the Hiro the く ベ ッ ド mo na very large ki さ さ で し た.
    Amenities disposable toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, razor, shower cap had been met.
    There was also pot (?? May し Mawa There was also comb your body and towels).
    Internet connection is OK.
    (This service is one mineral water) was right to change even if you add in the warm too tired to take 12000W Ondol.
    Was a very pleasant person you were in contact with some people 3 people at the front desk.
    Although from Daegu Station is a 5-minute walk, I might have a little more time consuming lest they do not pass through the underground.
    It was also useful to list some of the Lotte department store shopping.
    Because the construction and renewal performed sequentially added, it was too much to rout out the sound of construction 7 am on weekdays.
    · The road up the stairs with luggage to the second floor because the front is tight.
    Check out at the person who carried me to the front road.

  •  03 Dec2007

     Transportation 5 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 3 | Location 4

    Although I think the old feel of the room, there is no problem.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • 予約管理
     19 Nov2016

     Transportation 5 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 4 | Location 4


1-5 of 5 reviews

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