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Jeju Royal Hotel


 3.7/3 Reviews  |  Popular 6261

http://img.ntcdn.net/data/2018/07/16/11/15317076685b4c0114da48c.jpg Conveniently located hotel! http://www.travelnote.net/korea/hotel/jejuroyal Business & Industrial > Hotel & Hospitality

Total Hotel Score:
3.7/3 Reviews
  • 4.7
  • 4.3
  • 3.3
  • 2.7
  • 3.7
 Transportation       Service          Cleanliness         Facilities           Location
  • It is also good ... bad.
     12 May2011

     Transportation 4 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 2 | Location 3

    Because it was the first time to come to Jeju, I do not know the other hotels what of the facility as a whole felt old.
    Without elevator with a lamp button is broken, no matter how many times you press.
    From the airport, I think so too soon by taxi, you need to book a hotel in particular that there is no bus.
    Although not close to tourist attractions, dining room is around, do not trouble where both pig eat seafood as well Jeju.
    Although to some extent the size of the room, and do not clean up.
    But I think Well Well From the cheapness of the price.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • It was good to split the prices. .
     01 Oct2009

     Transportation 5 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 3 | Location 4

    It was beautiful (laughs) It was also concerned about the room because it was a low price, but it seemed the sea once.
    Well I was good flight, so come to understand Japanese staff.
    However, women's sauna was not even really a beautiful compliment.
    I think about the next time and do not use the sauna.
    The men with ha-ma ぁ ma ぁ の 広 さ が あ っ the ta そ う で su.
    However, I was more than satisfactory performance cost price.

  • Was also good transport links and a sauna. .
     15 Mar2009

     Transportation 5 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 3 | Location 4

    It was used here for the first time, well, the staff does not go so far as to all transport links, people who can speak Japanese because it should be resident, I am relieved.
    You do not need to look for other because there is a sauna in the basement.
    Wash the の Shekou の つ ke ne ka ra water が out て し ma う と い う problem point は あ ri ma し た が お value segment を test え る と U-su Suites Ailuropoda フ meadow ー マ ン su ga yo い と thinking い ma desu.

1-3 of 3 reviews

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