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Jeju Oriental Hotel


 3.2/4 Reviews  |  Popular 6975

http://img.ntcdn.net/data/2018/07/16/17/15317302905b4c597202bc3.jpg Seafront hotel provides outstanding views and service! http://www.travelnote.net/korea/hotel/oriental Business & Industrial > Hotel & Hospitality

Total Hotel Score:
3.2/4 Reviews
  • 4.5
  • 2.8
  • 2.8
  • 2.8
  • 3.3
 Transportation       Service          Cleanliness         Facilities           Location
  • Exclusive hotel kindness towards the taxi! .
     13 Jul2011

     Transportation 5 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 3 | Location 4

    I stayed because there was a errand to a nearby Ramada Hotel.
    Because of the higher Ramada Hotel, I was in this hotel.
    I was glad because the price is cheaper stay.
    Japanese people also enjoy the hotel's exclusive taxi kind.
    I had to charter 4 hours direct negotiations.
    After all, had become about 6 hours to look around, I was 70000W.
    10000W chip so I paid was not sorry.
    It was a plan and sign up in Japan is 15,000 yen.
    Do you say the next day, "because yesterday I got chips, send it to your favorite places" and were asked to nearby tourist destinations.
    It was a really nice person.
    Rather than a taxi in front of the hotel you are staying, it is dedicated towards the hotel.
    Near, I was walking to the old town.
    However, I felt for the purpose of enjoying the resort Jeju, Jeju people who stay in the area is nice and new.
    As noted there other people, rooms are also conspicuous antiquity, the room I was high compared to hotels and Seoul.
    The front is certainly surly.
    Given the price, I was satisfied that a solution to such a thing.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • Sorry.
     09 May2009

     Transportation 4 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 2 | Facilities 2 | Location 3

    Disappointed into the room in the car to meet you at the hotel in the airplane and exciting, from Fukuoka ... I had it pounding in the first trip to Korea.
    Although much cheap room, then closed with the sewing machine after I have a hole in a sheet is torn, just simply washing and toilet.
    In view of the back, shit What if I dont look at the view for a while not adding cold I also support the toilet seat toilet seat, and from falling freely Batanbatan be increased, trying to change the mood.
    Also open the windows, and large adults do through gritted teeth with both hands.
    I want to go back to that just arrived.
    It is not good from the beginning and Ru stingy too.
    Next time I will travel to consult with someone who is familiar with Korea.

  • Takashi cost.
     07 May2009

     Transportation 5 | Service 4 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 4 | Location 4

    By bus, to come out a little confusing and I thought, I can go away from virtue 亭 view even walk, it is just a taxi ride to the market.
    But not narrow, the room was a comfortable bed.
    Mr. supermarkets and large food and so have all, around, I can be very powerful.
    Chimuchiruban also nearby! .

  • Hmm · · ·.
     29 Jan2009

     Transportation 4 | Service 1 | Cleanliness 2 | Facilities 2 | Location 2

    I am not talking about when booking travel notes from Mr..
    Make a reservation directly on their own, I stayed at the Oriental Hotel Jeju.
    When to call the front desk from the room, I asked the late check-out, is a tut-tut to staff the front, he was answering in a whiny voice.
    I think that the hotel because of Japan is not considered, the location ... nice and was surprised.
    I · · · I It was also cheaper price.

1-4 of 4 reviews

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