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Metro Hotel


 4.4/113 Reviews  |  Popular 26921

http://img.ntcdn.net/data/2018/07/03/17/15306070115b3b35a384b57.jpg July 2014 Re-Opened! Convenient and Comfortable Metro Hotel http://www.travelnote.net/seoul/hotel/metro Business & Industrial > Hotel & Hospitality

Total Hotel Score:
4.4/113 Reviews
  • 4.8
  • 4.3
  • 4.2
  • 4.2
  • 4.5
 Transportation       Service          Cleanliness         Facilities           Location
  • I stayed a long time.
     19 Jun2011

     Transportation 5 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 4 | Location 5

    I had to give up this time also because it was just before reservation is difficult these days, but was able to be booked well luck.
    It was very convenient through the crosswalk friend I had stayed at Lotte Hotel.
    I really like to find a massage shop in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.
    The hotel can accommodate feel at ease as to when you go.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • Location is distinguished! .
     11 Jun2011

     Transportation 5 | Service 4 | Cleanliness 2 | Facilities 4 | Location 4

    Because I am Myeongdong school, location is the highest! Breakfast "After Stop by with the intention of drinking coffee is not expected, surprised various ... equipped.
    However the room because it is old dark feel, it is not in the hotel during the day is the best.
    I will use again when one.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • ♪ It is certainly repeat.
     30 May2011

     Transportation 5 | Service 5 | Cleanliness 4 | Facilities 5 | Location 5

    I have Deluxe Room available in two mother and.
    A good location anyway, a free service of water, check out can be slow at 12:00, amount and kind enough are met, answering the doorman and front pleasant, alarm clock are provided free breakfast It was satisfied and.
    It has said that it wants to use also the following mother liked.
    The downside, waiting time or will such long 15:00 view from the window, check-in, because the elevator is a single.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • Location is the best.
     16 May2011

     Transportation 5 | Service 4 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 3 | Location 4

    I have 2 nights deluxe GW.
    Was beautiful wide and then the room was just good people feel towards the front.
    We wanted to take advantage of next year also rich, so good even if I say anything.
    I have Vic on the darkness of the room so that the only other people have also said.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

  • Ordinary.
     11 Apr2011

     Transportation 4 | Service 3 | Cleanliness 3 | Facilities 3 | Location 3

    Deluxe, I took advantage of in the family with breakfast Standard B respectively.
    Deluxe was comfortable rather wide, but there was a feeling of pressure is still narrow standard B.
    I think the contents of the breakfast and should be enough to split the price.
    When it was sightseeing in Myeong-dong main, it is recommended location is good.
    However, I was worried about, the toilet in the 1F lobby is very dirty.
    It was quite unpleasant smells have to outside.

    This is the review translated from Japanese into English.

26-30 of 113 reviews

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